OT strategies and education help Betty manage safely at home and stay connected to the community

Betty, 78, became isolated, rarely leaving her home. By the time she completed her OT plan, Betty was feeling much more confident in her home and in her ability to once again be part of her community.

Individual Education Plan helps James make the grade

School had become tough for James – he couldn’t seem to finish his written work on time and did not do well in gym activities. As a result of the OT intervention, James got better at doing tasks at school and at home.

OT strategies transform a kindergarten student, and his entire class

Cody’s poor fine motor skills, problems working with a group, and sensitivity to loud noises were making it hard for him to learn in school. The result of his work with an OT? Cody seems much happier now than he was at the start of the school year.

OT takes Sarah’s writing from hard-to-read to clear and well organized

Sarah’s printing was messy, with letter formation and sizes that were all over the place. As she followed the OT program, Sarah learned to write her name, spell out words, and organize her work on the page more effectively.

OT and assistive technology make school safer and easier for a child with cerebral palsy

Parents and school staff were worried about Nathaniel’s ability to move safely and independently within the school and participate in school activities. Thanks to OT, he is able to manage better at school and keep up with the schoolwork.