Woman with a spinal cord injury finds a new wheelchair and the confidence to drive again
Ramya, an independent 30-year-old, wanted to drive again but felt anxious about getting behind the wheel after her accident. While fitting her for a new wheelchair, her OT suggested a driver rehab program where Ramya could learn to drive with hand controls.
Promoting the employment rights of people with mental illness in the community
An OT study found that northern communities did not have enough employment services for people with mental illness, and this affected employment rates in the area. A community project was created, resulting in improved employment rates in the region for people with mental illness.
Troubled preteen transformed by early occupational therapy intervention
Jesse, 12, had a history of hospitalizations for mood and behavioural problems. His aggression led to multiple school suspensions and he felt unloved and unwanted. Work-based sessions with an occupational therapist transformed Jesse and helped lead him down a healthier future path.